How to use a weightlifting belt

You’ve seen it, maybe you’ve done it. Back pain from a squat? Let’s throw one of those big weightlifting belts on - that’ll help right?

A belt is just a tool that allows something ELSE to happen, it doesn’t do much of anything by itself. Here’s a short video to show you HOW, WHY, and WHEN to wear a weightlifting belt.


Full disclosure, back pain from a squat or any lift has a variety of factors that could be causing it. However, properly bracing can stabilize the spine and prevent injury so it’s a pretty important skill to master.

Bracing should be done anytime you want to limit core movement. The powerlifting movements like squat, bench, and deadlift are excellent examples - but even things like a one-arm dumbbell row can benefit from properly bracing, preventing your mid-section from twisting during each rep.


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