Fix your 45° Hip Extension


The 45° hip extension is an incredible glute exercise. The most common error? People using their lower back to pull themselves upright.

Imagine a barbell bench press versus a push-up. Both exercises you are using your chest to press right? But in one instance you are pushing an object away and in the other, you’re pushing yourself away from the object.

A barbell hip thrust versus 45° hip extension should be thought of in the same way. Contrary to a hip thrust where you’re moving an object - the 45° hip extension you should be pushing into the pad, with your glutes, as hard as you can. This will pull your body upright and keep you within an active range of motion for the glutes.

Exercise Checklist
* Set thigh pad to upper thigh
* Allow room for hip and torso to fold over
* Control your body on the way down, no swinging
* From the bottom, push glutes into pad to lift your body upright
* Stop when glutes are fully shortened
* Do not continue pulling yourself upright - this is erector work and can take away from your glutes

Oh and if you want to use weight, hold it up by your head. Holding it close to your chest reduces the moment arm and therefore reduces resistance.


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