4 High Protein Snacks to Keep in Your House (No Cooking Necessary)

Keeping protein intake high during fat loss is essential for maintaining muscle mass so I always recommend that clients find a couple high protein snack options that they can eat straight out of the fridge. While it’s also ideal to swap snacks for “mini meals”, something I’ll get into in a later post, sometimes a quick fix is all you have time for - so here are 4 high protein snacks that don’t require any effort.

 1. Beef Jerky

Personally, this is one of my favorite snacks when I’m in a cut and need easy access to protein (outside of a tried-and-true protein shake, of course). The two brands shown are 10-12g of protein per serving and only 70-80 calories. Those are insane macros, plus delicious. 

The only downside here is that keeping beef jerky in the house can be pricey. I like to stock up during my monthly Costco runs to help with the cost. You could also make your own, but that falls way outside of the easy access we’re going for here.
Also, did you know you’re supposed to refrigerate after opening? I just found that out while taking this photo. I definitely have not been following that direction, whoops.

2. Greek Yogurt

Specifically the Oikos Triple Zero Greek Yogurt has been a lifesaver while losing weight. Truthfully, I expected this to taste like chalk when I first tried it but I was pleasantly surprised that it tastes just as good (if not better) than my beloved Strawberry Chobani. Plus, 15g of protein per 100 calories is so clutch for something that feels and tastes like a little treat. 

There are tons of ways to dress up a greek yogurt, throw in some berries, blend up in a smoothie, top with some granola, but for the sake of no-fuss snacking, just grab a spoon.

3. Cottage Cheese

Let’s be honest, cottage cheese has gotten a bad rep over the years. I tried it for the first time a couple months ago and was initially turned off by it, but I think that stems from the preconceived bias I had from the general consensus that cottage cheese is gross. I’ll be the first to stand up and say that it is not gross, in fact it’s great. 

Top it with a little salt and pepper and you’ve got a great snack with 14g of protein and 80 calories.

Now, I will say, if you have a texture “thing”, like my wife does, maybe stay away from this one. Or try blending it, I’ve heard that it can make it more palatable for people, but I’ve never done it so try at your own risk.

4. Hard Boiled Eggs

Before you sound the alarms that this is not a quick and easy “no cook” snack, you can buy these pre-made. What an absolute game changer. I personally buy the ones from Costco that come wrapped 2 eggs per serving so I have a little more time before the best-by date as opposed to the brands with free floating eggs in one single package. For two eggs, you’re getting 12g of protein for only 68 calories. Add a little salt and pepper and they’re ready to go right out of the fridge. Not to mention - healthy fats from the yolk.

These are a great option to throw in your lunch for work too, as long as you can keep them refrigerated.


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