Getting in shape has never been easier.

Nobody changes from information alone.

Building habits is the required backbone of change. Whether that change is healthy or unhealthy - habits are what define you. You can read about flying a plane but unless you actually do it - you probably won’t be the best pilot.

Together, we will build habits that last you a lifetime.

This isn’t a short-term thing, you’re investing in your health and I take that seriously. This also isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Every program, every bit of nutrition advice, every workout - tailored to you.

“You have quite literally, and without exaggeration, saved my life. You can’t put a price tag on that.”

— Eric S.

“If you’re looking for a sign, here it is… WORK WITH ALEX! I’ve tried online programs before and worked with other personal trainers as well, even tried putting together my own routines and they all had one thing in common: no results and a lot of effort.

With Alex’s help that has all changed. I don’t just get a one page document with exercises, I get a full document explaining not only the ‘what’, but the ‘how’ and ‘why’ and a truly personalized program. It’s more than just a workout, it’s an organized system tailored to fit you and your goals.

— Mackenzie R.


“My outlook on life has drastically changed. I look at every day like I’m in control instead of feeling like I’m going through the motions.”

— Zach S.

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